Bathrooms are a high humidity area of the house. This means there is a large percentage of water vapour in the air caused by steam from showers and baths. This steam naturally rises, trapping moisture on the bathroom ceilings. When a mould spore rises with the warm air it comes in contact with the moist ceiling surface and can begin to reproduce.

The cause of mould on ceilings is primarily due to high humidity, surface structure, poor lighting, poor air circulation, or any combination of these.

Dampness on a ceiling is a good attraction for mould growth. In the winter time, ceilings are prone to dampness because room heating and the presence of our warm bodies send warm moist air upwards.

This moist air hits the cold ceiling and forms condensation. When mould spores are present, they migrate to the moist environment and thrive. Very quickly, they multiply and soon you have a fine coating of mould all over your ceiling.

You can reduce the humidity by ensuring there is adequate ventilation, especially during and after showers and baths. This may include opening windows and doors as well as running the bathroom fan after you have left the room.

 Mould is ubiquitous (found everywhere).

It is very important to maintain a clean property with good ventilation. That is, keeping windows open where possible, turning on extraction fans, using the air conditioner on a dry cycle, trimming vegetation close to the home and most importantly, controlling any mould growth as soon as it appears with an appropriate solution. Controlling mould growth as soon as it appears is the best way to prevent further growth in other areas as you control the number of spores mould can release into the atmosphere and circulating in air currents within the home to colonise in other locations.

When there is a combination of mould spores, a water source(high humidity) and a food source like dust, wood, paint, paper, cotton or oil, mould can colonise within 24-48 hours.  Keeping your home clean and dry can assist in reducing mould growth.

If certain areas of the ceiling seem to be holding moisture, wipe them down with a cloth to remove spores and prevent reproduction.